Help RBIJ and Unlock shape support for employers
The Responsible Business Initiative for Justice (RBIJ) and Unlock are joining forces.
We’re introducing a new partnership between RBIJ and Unlock. This collaboration will provide support and advice to employers so more businesses and organisations can benefit from being more inclusive in recruiting people with criminal records.
The partnership brings together RBIJ’s expertise in working closely with employers and Unlock’s expertise about the criminal record system and surrounding issues such as data protection and safeguarding.
Employers: Share Your Experience
To ensure we are providing the right advice and meeting your needs, we are asking employers about your experiences of recruiting people with criminal records, and where you are in your journey to becoming more inclusive.
This short, anonymous survey will help us to offer services shaped to your needs.
We are keen to understand how we can help you resolve concerns or challenges that may be blocking your progress on inclusive recruitment.
From our conversations with employers, we know that you may have questions about recruiting people with criminal records. The survey aims to identify areas where you would appreciate more information and support.
We also want to hear from employers who are already being more inclusive in their recruitment practices and seeing the benefits.
With over 12.5 million people in the UK with a criminal record, being more inclusive can open up a huge talent pool for employers. We want to hear about other benefits that you have experienced.
About RBIJ
Everyone is entitled to respect, equality, fairness, and dignity under the law. Yet systems of justice so often discriminate, over-criminalise, and trap the most vulnerable people in destructive cycles of punishment and poverty. The Responsible Business Initiative for Justice (RBIJ) is an award-winning international nonprofit that works with companies to champion solutions that promote public safety, deliver justice, and strengthen communities.
“We are delighted to be partnering with Unlock on this important initiative. Making sure we are meeting the needs of businesses as they open up their recruitment practices is hugely important to both employers and those impacted by the justice system.
It’s a win-win opportunity and we are looking forward to progressing this important work.”
About Unlock
Unlock has been supporting employers with recruitment for many years. We have wide-ranging services from offering specific advice about an application, all the way through to supporting a full review of your policies, processes and practices.
We can help draft new policies about how you respond to applicants with criminal records, or build risk assessment frameworks. We can develop decision-making criteria and provide training for your staff to support legal and fair practice. Our support can be flexible so it works for your organisation’s needs.
“We are excited to be working with RBIJ on this important project. We know that many employers want to widen their pool of applicants, but the complexity of the law around the criminal record system and data protection, as well as concerns around risks or safeguarding, can stop employers taking the first steps to being more inclusive.
Our experience and expertise means we can support employers to be sure of their practice, allowing them to achieve all the benefits of being more inclusive in recruiting people with criminal records.”
Email with any questions about the survey or the partnership.