Join the WJA.

The Workforce & Justice Alliance (WJA) is a community of businesses committed to using their platforms, networks, and leverage to advance systemic change in the justice system, share best practices with their peers, and increase the number of companies taking steps to remove workforce barriers for justice-impacted individuals. This includes working with RBIJ to advance both public policy and corporate policy to help justice-involved talent get back to work.

As a member of the WJA, you will have access to like-minded business executives willing and ready to engage in peer exchange. In addition, RBIJ will spotlight your existing commitment to justice and help connect you with more opportunities to advance fairness and justice to match your interests.

There is no fee to join the WJA and the only requirement is that you are willing to align your company with the principles of the WJA listed here. RBIJ will share opportunities for WJA members to engage in policy reform or inclusive hiring programming through an opt-in basis only.

To learn more about the WJA or get involved, please fill out the form. Join us!