In the Media.

At RBIJ we lift your voice. We recognize that when businesses speak, stakeholders listen. In addition to publishing in our own name, RBIJ works with businesses to amplify their impact through strategic communications. Take a look at some of our recent media.  

Katlyn Toelle Katlyn Toelle

New Roadmap Aims to Drive Second Chance Hiring in the U.S.

Triple Pundit: Many business leaders say they face barriers that make it more difficult to hire people with certain or any criminal justice involvement. The Responsible Business Initiative for Justice published research that explores these challenges further and sets out a roadmap for employers to further embrace second chance hiring. 

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Katlyn Toelle Katlyn Toelle

Companies Leading the Way on Second Chance Hiring

Triple Pundit: Second chance hiring is based on the simple principle that a person's past does not define them, and those who have served their time should have a fair shot at employment and a place in their communities. Here are some other companies that are leading the way on the practice as it begins to take hold across the private sector. 

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Katlyn Toelle Katlyn Toelle

The Business Case for Second Chances

Triple Pundit: Second Chance Month is observed nationally every April, with successive White House proclamations over the past six years. So, what are second chance hiring, housing and finance policies, and why are they necessary?

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